Friday, May 20, 2011

Pregnancy update

I've had a little scare this week, as the other day I had some spotting (sorry for TMI) and some contractions. They weren't regular, but enough to make me uncomfortable. I decided to keep an eye on it.

The same thing happened the next day, more spotting and contractions. I also felt really strange. I rang the hospital, more so for advice. I knew bub was OK cause I could feel him moving around, plus I have a Fetal Heart Monitor (Doppler) so if I get worried, I check his heart beat. Because of my history of prem labour and birth, they wanted me to go in. Unfortunately this wasn't possible as my husband was still at work and no one was available to look after the kids. I went to bed.

I havn't had anymore bleeding, but I'm still having fairly strong contractions (not regular). I'm keeping an eye on it, and if it worsens, becomes regular, or I start bleeding again I will go straight to the hospital. Otherwise I will let my Dr know at my next appt.

I'm worried for obvious reasons, esp. seeing as though I'm only 24 weeks (25 tomorrow) but I'm thankful that I've made it past 24 weeks, cause if something does happen (god forbid), I know there is a chance then if I was 23 weeks or less.

We have been so busy with appts, general living, and trying to get as much done around the house before baby arrives (such as painting), plus trying to keep up with my decluttering and organising, so today while the kids are at pre school I went to a nice lunch at the pub with my parents, my sister and my little feller, and now I'm taking it easy before I pick the older kidlets up.

I'm sure it's my body's way of telling me to slow down.


  1. Hope you are ok. I was reading one of your posts not that while ago where you mentioned you are pregnant and I couldn't believe it. Don't you already have 3 kids? You are doing so well with all your organising and fixing your finances. I think you should slow down if you are having problems. I didn't slow down with baby number two and he came 3 weeks early, but I had a lot of pain. Thanks so much for your lovely comments on my blog. They are a real inspiration.

  2. Thanx for ur encouragement Sam :) yeah we want a big family and to have them close in age :) I've been taking it a little easier the past few days and i feel a lot better.

    My 3rd bub came early just like ur 2nd bub. He came 4 weeks early. I was working so much, 10 hr shifts on my feet all day. I'm so glad that's just a memory and I don't have to do that anymore.

    Look forward to catching up on ur blog posts, as I havn't had much time to get on the computer recently.
