Our little man was born at 36wks 6 days on 18th August 2011 at 6.35am. He came into the world weighing 7lb 3oz and 45cm long :)
He's soo tiny, I have no idea where he was hiding all that weight. I didn't believe he weighed that much, so they re weighed him and sure enough he did lol.
He's doing really well, and has grown 4.5cm in 2 weeks :) He hasn't put weight on, in fact he's lost more, but the Family health nurses aren't really concerned as he's growing well in length.
Here's a pic of our wee man :)
He's doing really well, and has grown 4.5cm in 2 weeks :) He hasn't put weight on, in fact he's lost more, but the Family health nurses aren't really concerned as he's growing well in length.
Here's a pic of our wee man :)