Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Time for a change. Or is it?

We've been discussing for a while now, about moving to Queensland. We have many reasons for and against the move, most being for the move.

Mostly, we want to raise our kids in a better area and to have a better quality of life. We're from Sydney, born and raised and we don't feel we can do that here anymore (Sorry to all the Sydney lovers, personal opinion :)). A suburb about 12 minutes away is notorious for drive by shootings. The most recent one, closer to home, was only 7 minutes away.

I know crime is everywhere, but not everywhere is like that.

We used to really love our street. When we bought our house, half of the street were elderly, and the other half were young families. Everyone knew everyone, very friendly and safe, but unfortunately the elderly are slowly 'moving upstairs with the big man', and not so nice people are moving in.We no longer feel safe and comfortable, and after talking with a few 'original' neighbours, we found out we're not the only ones.

The main issues for staying are, work, family and friends. Hubby's in a good job with a decent wage and we don't want to throw that away (transfer not possible). My parents, brother and sister in law all want to move too, but that still leaves my sister, nephew, 2 of my brothers, grandparents and all my cousins, aunts and uncles - We all live within 20 minutes of each other. My In laws are 15 minutes away, and of course friends. I don't know if I could move my family away from all the people we care about.

I won't go into all the pro's and con's because I'll be here all night, but I'm really stuck with what we should do. Hubby's not really much help as he's 'not fussed either way' (his words) but he does feel the same about the above reasons. He did say that if he was guaranteed work that he'd love to move... either way he wants to move, local or not.

I'm really excited at the possibilty. I've been looking at houses, jobs, schools etc etc. I'm got a moving mentality, I don't want to buy or bring anything else into the house, I want a major cleanout - if I don't want to bring it with us, it's going. I've stopped thinking about what needs to be done around here in order to suit our growing family and strangely I'm a lot happier than I have been in a while.

And no, I'm not getting my hopes up, because there's a very high chance it won't happen, but it's still nice to dream :)

Linking up with Jess at Diary of a SAHM for IBOT :)


  1. oh! we are in the same position!! But we're in Perth (wanting to go to QLD)! :) IT doesn't look like it will happen now, (hubby to valuable to be allowed a transfer) it still brought up a world of questions.. and a world of we want something better..

    1. I can totally relate. My hubby is too valuable in his current position, so his boss is holding him back instead of letting him move up. Hopefully your hubby will be able to transfer and you can move :) Thanks for commenting :)

  2. We are in the same situation. But we know the move will only be for 5 years max, so it's a lot easier for us to decide. Good luck with your decision :)

    1. Thanks Bossy Mummy :) The decision has come down to jobs and if we can handle the Nth QLD heat :)

  3. Oh how I would love to move interstate. Unfortunately I am tied to Adelaide by my son's father. Good luck with the decision. And in the end, you just need to do what is right for you. Flights are so cheap these days that you can fly back and see family. Not the same, I know. But if it the right thing for you and your family, there are options. Good luck Hun and PM me if you need to talk!
    Chrissie xx

    1. Thanks for commenting hun, you're so right in saying flights are so cheap. You've helped me cross the not seeing family issue off my list :) So Thanks for that :D

  4. It's always a tough decision, especially when there are kids involved and you own your house.
    We've talked about moving closer to my family but that would mean being further away from hubby's mum.
    Good luck with the decision making and it never hurts to have the moving mentality, it gets you motivated to do things that you would ordinarily put off.

    1. It is hard isn't it. Thankfully at the moment, both of our parents are local. Hubby and his dad are closer when they're apart, so he doesn't mind heading up north. :)

  5. I'm in Melbourne, but I get where you're coming from. I always tell my hubby I want a move to the country, a slower, easier way of life for my children. Good luck with all the decisions. Now following you on GFC

    1. That's exactly what we want, a slower, easier way of life :) We went to the city on Monday, and watching all the people rush rush rush is not what I want for my family. Thanks for commenting :)

  6. We are in Qld. It is a great place to live. But... boy, I so know where you are coming from. There are so many decisions to be made - and then add in children and grandparents and all the rest! Gosh - all the best!

    I hope that you guys decide on something soon - limbo is a party game - not a permanent place to be!

    I found you through #IBOT - love your papers and bits and bobs - if only they were for wordpress!

    1. Thanks B :) I think we've pretty much made up our mind, it just depends if hubby can find work, or if we can sort out something with his current employer :)

  7. 5 years ago we left Sydney and moved to brisbane. For us it was about traffic (annoying commute for hubby) and the housing market (after 8 yrs in Sydney we were no closer to buying a house). I have to say Brisbane IS different, but we are very settled now- we had our first house in 6 months, it takes little time to get around, is generally very safe and laid back. I say do what will make you happy evenif you can't have the whole family move with you...

    1. Thanks Deb :) the move will definitely make us happy, and at least we'll have my parents with us :)

  8. Yes, come to QLD it's beautiful here BUT don't move to the Goldcoast. There's been quite a lot of crime there at the moment.

    I've never moved futher than 20 minutes away, so I couldn't imagine having to move my whole life that far away but if you want to do it, do it. Think of it as an adventure!

    1. Thanks Penny :) We're thinking of it as an adventure, and I think that's why it's so fun and exciting :) We want to go somewhere between Cairns and Port Douglas. We used to holiday there often before the kiddies, we love it :)

  9. I understand this. We have been wanting to move for the last five years, but the opportunity has never presented itself.
    I'm a big believer that things happen the right way at the right time. Keep dreaming and planning and hopefully the right door will open soon.

    1. Thanks Jess :) This definitely feels right, we're excited, the kids are excited, our daughters only concern is not knowing her new teachers

  10. I completely understand. We live in Western Sydney, which I assume you do too. It is notorious for all sorts of crime and I have never wanted to raise my kids here. Our street is still pretty good and we are friends with a few of our neighbours, but I hate the level of crime in the area in general.

    My daughter has special needs, I have treatment I need and a few other things I thought would be best here. I started checking out moving seriously last week and it looks so much better for us, even with a lower paying job.

    I say check it out, bite the bullet and do it. :) Good luck with your decision though. xx

    1. Thanks SM :)

      Yeah we're in South West Sydney. The level of crime is escalating. Everytime I switch the news on, there's something bad happenining in the area.. Definitely not a place I want to bring up my children.

      Good luck with your moving plans. It's probably the best thing for both our families.
