Tuesday, June 5, 2012

A nice weekend.

We had a nice rainy weekend here in Sydney, and I say that without sarcasm... It actually was a nice rainy weekend.

We were supposed to go to a friends house for a BBQ, but due to the weather, we have postponed.

Hubby and I spent some time decluttering our bedroom and managed to get rid of a lot of stuff, which freed up a lot of space in hubbys side of the wardrobe... unfortunately mine's still packed, but I'm hoping to get it done this week.

We came across an old video of my husband as a young teenager on his dirtbike, it was so cute to watch and listen to his young voice, the kids were amazed.. I don't think they believed it was their Daddy :)

We spent time together watching movies and playing games.

All I can say is, MY POOR HUSBAND!! lol

I found a recipe for Cloud Dough from Flights of Whimsy and thought I'd give it a try. I knew the kids would have a ball with it.

The recipe called for 8 cups of flour and 1 cup of baby oil.. I tweaked it a bit as I didn't have that much flour :)

I used 3 cups of flour and approx 1/4 cup of baby oil.

This was great as I've been wanting to use the baby oil up, I've had it since Miss 5 was a baby (I don't use the oil on bubs apart from removing cradle cap).

Mr almost 4

I have more pictures that I wanted to add, but for some reason, it seems to stuff up everytime I try and add them.

They had a blast with the Cloud Dough. They played with it for ages and pretended it was snow, play dough, dirt and rubbish for their trucks and plenty more things.

It was so good seeing them all play happily together and using their imagination.

Linking up with Diary of a SAHM for I Blog on Tuesdays.


  1. Oh that does sound like a nice weekend. I love the pics of your kids wrestling your husband :)Nothing better than family time.

    1. Thanks Rhia :) hehe we have a few pics like that, they're always wrestling :) You're too right, nothing better than family time.

  2. I have never heard of cloud dough before! I like the smell of baby oil though so I'm surfeit would be nice to play with.

    We are planning a big clean out here this weekend too, which I'm looking forward to.

    I just hope it actually happens!

    1. Good luck with the clean out, it's such a good feeling to get rid of all that unwanted stuff.

      It's nice to play with, the kids had a ball with it, and have asked a few times to make it again. Will do once I buy some more flour :)
